středa 10. května 2023

💔Untouchable (a person who is beyond reproach as to honesty, diligence, etc.) - Nedotknutelní film

 Real Story!! Paralyzed French Millionaire Hires a Young Immigrant to Take Care of Him

A wealthy French aristocrat, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo was not in the habit of asking for help. Then, in 1993, right on the heels of his beloved wife's diagnosis of a terminal illness, a paragliding accident left him a quadriplegic. He was 42 years old and unable to do anything without help. Hidden behind the high walls of his Paris townhouse, Philippe found himself the modern equivalent of an 'untouchable' - his total paralysis rendered him unable to reach out to others, and seemed to make others afraid to touch or acknowledge him. The only person who wasn't bothered by Philippe's condition was someone who had been an outsider his entire life - Abdel, the unemployed Algerian immigrant from the outskirts of society who would become Philippe's unlikely caretaker. In between dramas and jokes, he sustained Philippe's life for the next ten years.


Ochrnutý a bohatý aristokrat Philippe si za svého nového opatrovníka vybere Drisse, živelného mladíka z předměstí, kterého právě propustili z vězení. Jinými slovy - najde si na tuto práci tu nejméně vhodnou osobu. Podaří se jim však propojit nemožné: Vivaldiho a populární hudbu, serióznost a žoviální vtípky, luxusní obleky a tepláky. Bláznivým, zábavným, silným, neočekávaným a hlavně „nedotknutelným“, přesně takovým se stane jejich přátelství…